When you sign up for your drivers ed class, consider your options. The State of California allows you to fulfill your driver's ed requirement entirely online. Furthermore, recent DMV studies show that students taking a computer-based driver's education alternative actually scored higher on their exit exams. When you choose an online course for your son or daughter's driver education, you choose a highly interactive method of education that they can relate to and learn from more effectively than from traditional lecture style driver's ed. But don't take our word for it, take a FREE trial of our course and see for yourself!
Besides getting comfortable with about CA state driving laws and rules of the road, teens taking driver education should desire to earn their DL400C Form from the DMV, or better known as the blue completion certificate. Following a passing grade on your final examination of our online driver ed course, your certificate will be sent to you straight away. Then you can take your signed blue certificate to the Department of Motor Vehicles and they will let you to take the multiple choice DMV permit test.
Want to get the highest quality driver's ed without leaving your home? Then we have the perfect course for you! At BeverlyHillsDriversEd.com, get on-line driver's ed courses for any city in CA. That's right, we have Butte County driver's education, Alameda County drivers education, San Bernardino driving school courses, Ventura County drivers ed classes, drivers education for Marin County, and thousands of other counties throughout CA. When it comes to teen drivers ed, we've got California covered!